. // Change to the HashOver directory chdir (realpath ('../')); // Setup HashOver for JSON require ('backend/json-setup.php'); try { // Instantiate HashOver class $hashover = new \HashOver ('json'); // Throw exception if API is disabled $hashover->setup->apiCheck ('json'); // Enable remote access $hashover->setup->enablesRemoteAccess (true); // Set page URL from POST/GET data $hashover->setup->setPageURL ('request'); // Initiate comment processing $hashover->initiate (); // Comments and statistics response array $data = array (); // Check for comments if ($hashover->thread->totalCount > 1) { // Parse comments $hashover->parsePrimary (); $hashover->parsePopular (); // Display as JSON data $data['comments'] = $hashover->comments; } else { // Return no comments message $data = array ('No comments.'); } // Generate statistics $hashover->statistics->executionEnd (); // HashOver statistics $data['statistics'] = array ( 'execution-time' => $hashover->statistics->executionTime, 'script-memory' => $hashover->statistics->scriptMemory, 'system-memory' => $hashover->statistics->systemMemory ); // Return JSON or JSONP function call echo Misc::jsonData ($data); } catch (\Exception $error) { echo Misc::displayException ($error, 'json'); }