<?php namespace HashOver;

// Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Jacob Barkdull
// This file is part of HashOver.
// HashOver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// HashOver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with HashOver. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

class CommentsUI extends FormUI
// Creates a wrapper element for each comment
public function commentWrapper ($permalink = '{permalink}')
$comment_wrapper = new HTMLTag ('div', array (
'id' => $this->prefix ($permalink),
'class' => 'hashover-comment'
), false);

if ($this->mode !== 'php') {
$comment_wrapper->appendAttribute ('class', '{class}', false);
$comment_wrapper->innerHTML ('{html}');

return $comment_wrapper->asHTML ();

return $comment_wrapper;

// Creates wrapper element to name element
public function nameWrapper ($class = '{class}', $link = '{link}')
$name_wrapper = new HTMLTag ('span', array (
'class' => 'hashover-comment-name ' . $class,
'innerHTML' => $link
), false);

return $name_wrapper->asHTML ();

// Creates name hyperlink/span element
public function nameElement ($element, $permalink = '{permalink}', $name = '{name}', $href = '{href}')
// Decide what kind of element to create
switch ($element) {
case 'a': {
// A hyperlink pointing to the user's input URL
$name_link = new HTMLTag ('a', array (
'rel' => 'noopener noreferrer nofollow',
'href' => $href,
'id' => $this->prefix ('name-' . $permalink),
'target' => '_blank',
'title' => $name,
'innerHTML' => $name
), false);


case 'span': {
// A plain wrapper element
$name_link = new HTMLTag ('span', array (
'id' => $this->prefix ('name-' . $permalink),
'innerHTML' => $name
), false);


return $name_link->asHTML ();

// Creates wrapper element for IP address element
public function ipWrapper ($ip = '{ipaddr}')
$ip_wrapper = new HTMLTag ('span', array (
'class' => 'hashover-ip',
'innerHTML' => $ip
), false);

return $ip_wrapper->asHTML ();

// Creates hyperlink with URL queries to link reference
protected function queryLink ($href = false, array $queries = array ())
// Given hyperlink URL or default file path
$href = $href ?: $this->setup->filePath;

// Merge given URL queries with existing page URL queries
$queries = array_merge ($this->setup->urlQueryList, $queries);

// Add URL queries to path if URL has queries
if (!empty ($queries)) {
$href .= '?' . implode ('&', $queries);

// And create hyperlink
$link = new HTMLTag ('a', array (
'rel' => 'nofollow',
'href' => $href
), false);

return $link;

// Creates "Top of Thread" hyperlink element
public function parentThreadLink ($href = '{href}', $parent = '{parent}', $permalink = '{permalink}', $name = '{name}')
// Get locale string
$thread_locale = $this->locale->text['in-reply-to'];

// Inject OP's name into the locale
$inner_html = sprintf ($thread_locale, $name);

// Create hyperlink element
$thread_link = $this->queryLink ($href);

// Create hyperlink element
$thread_link->appendAttributes (array (
'href' => '#' . $parent,
'id' => $this->prefix ('thread-link-' . $permalink),
'class' => 'hashover-thread-link',
'title' => $this->locale->text['thread-tip'],
'innerHTML' => $inner_html
), false);

return $thread_link->asHTML ();

// Creates date/permalink hyperlink element
public function dateLink ($href = '{href}', $permalink = '{permalink}', $title = '{title}', $date = '{date}')
// Create hyperlink element
$date_link = $this->queryLink ($href);

// Append more attributes
$date_link->appendAttributes (array (
'href' => '#' . $permalink,
'class' => 'hashover-date-permalink',
'title' => 'Permalink - ' . $title,
'innerHTML' => $date
), false);

return $date_link->asHTML ();

// Creates "Like"/"Dislike" hyperlink element
public function likeLink ($type, $permalink = '{permalink}', $class = '{class}', $title = '{title}', $text = '{text}')
// Create hyperlink element
$link = new HTMLTag ('a', array (
'rel' => 'nofollow',
'href' => '#',
'id' => $this->prefix ($type . '-' . $permalink),
'class' => $class,
'title' => $title,
'innerHTML' => $text
), false);

return $link->asHTML ();

// Creates a form control hyperlink element
public function formLink ($href, $type, $permalink = '{permalink}', $class = '{class}', $title = '{title}')
// Form ID for hyperlinks
$form = 'hashover-' . $type;

// Create hyperlink element
$link = $this->queryLink ($href, array ($form . '=' . $permalink));

// "Reply to Comment" or "Edit Comment" locale key
$title_locale = ($type === 'reply') ? 'reply-to-comment' : 'edit-your-comment';

// Create more attributes
$link->createAttributes (array (
'id' => $this->prefix ($type. '-link-' . $permalink),
'class' => 'hashover-comment-' . $type,
'title' => $this->locale->text[$title_locale]

// Append href attribute
$link->appendAttribute ('href', '#' . $this->prefix ($permalink), false);

// Append attributes
if ($type === 'reply') {
$link->appendAttributes (array (
'class' => $class,
'title' => '- ' . $title

// Add link text
$link->innerHTML ($this->locale->text[$type]);

return $link->asHTML ();

// Creates "Cancel" hyperlink element
public function cancelLink ($permalink, $for, $class = '')
$cancel_link = $this->queryLink ($this->setup->filePath);
$cancel_locale = $this->locale->text['cancel'];

// Append href attribute
$cancel_link->appendAttribute ('href', '#' . $permalink, false);

// Create more attributes
$cancel_link->createAttributes (array (
'class' => 'hashover-comment-' . $for,
'title' => $cancel_locale

// Append optional class
if (!empty ($class)) {
$cancel_link->appendAttribute ('class', $class);

// Add "Cancel" hyperlink text
$cancel_link->innerHTML ($cancel_locale);

return $cancel_link->asHTML ();

// Creates a user avatar image or comment number
public function userAvatar ($src = '{src}', $href = '{href}', $text = '{text}')
// If avatars set to images
if ($this->setup->iconMode !== 'none') {
// Create wrapper element for avatar image
$avatar_wrapper = new HTMLTag ('span', array (
'class' => 'hashover-avatar'
), false);

if ($this->setup->iconMode !== 'count') {
// Create avatar image element
$comments_avatar = new HTMLTag ('div', array (
'style' => 'background-image: url(\'' . $src . '\');'
), false);
} else {
// Avatars set to count
// Create element displaying comment number user will be
$comments_avatar = new HTMLTag ('a', array (
'rel' => 'nofollow',
'href' => '#' . $href,
'title' => 'Permalink',
'innerHTML' => $text
), false);

// Add comments avatar to avatar image wrapper element
$avatar_wrapper->appendChild ($comments_avatar);

return $avatar_wrapper->asHTML ();

return '';

// Creates a cancel button hyperlink
public function cancelButton ($type, $permalink)
// Create hyperlink element
$cancel_button = $this->queryLink ($this->setup->filePath);

// "Cancel" locale string
$cancel_locale = $this->locale->text['cancel'];

// Add ID attribute with JavaScript variable single quote break out
if (!empty ($permalink)) {
$cancel_button->createAttribute ('id', $this->prefix ($type . '-cancel-' . $permalink));

// Append href attribute
$cancel_button->appendAttribute ('href', '#hashover-' . $permalink, false);

// Create more attributes
$cancel_button->createAttributes (array (
'class' => 'hashover-submit hashover-' . $type . '-cancel',
'title' => $cancel_locale,
'innerHTML' => $cancel_locale

return $cancel_button;

// Creates a comment reply form
public function replyForm ($permalink = '{permalink}', $url = '{url}', $thread = '{thread}', $title = '{title}', $file = '{file}', $subscribed = true)
// Create HashOver reply form
$reply_form = new HTMLTag ('div', array (
'class' => 'hashover-balloon'

// If avatars are enabled
if ($this->setup->iconMode !== 'none') {
// Create avatar element for HashOver reply form
$reply_avatar = new HTMLTag ('div', array (
'class' => 'hashover-avatar-image'

// Add count element to avatar element
$reply_avatar->appendChild ($this->avatar ('+'));

// Add avatar element to inputs wrapper element
$reply_form->appendChild ($reply_avatar);

// Display default login inputs when logged out
if ($this->login->userIsLoggedIn === false) {
$reply_login_inputs = $this->loginInputs ($permalink);
$reply_form->appendChild ($reply_login_inputs);

// Check if form labels are enabled
if ($this->setup->usesLabels === true) {
// If so, create label element for comment textarea
$reply_comment_label = new HTMLTag ('label', array (
'for' => 'hashover-reply-comment-' . $permalink,
'class' => 'hashover-comment-label',
'innerHTML' => $this->locale->text['reply-to-comment']
), false);

// Add comment label to form element
$reply_form->appendChild ($reply_comment_label);

// Reply form locale
$reply_form_placeholder = $this->locale->text['reply-form'];

// Create reply textarea element and add it to form element
$this->commentForm ($reply_form, 'reply', $reply_form_placeholder, '', $permalink);

// Add page info fields to reply form
$this->pageInfoFields ($reply_form, $url, $thread, $title);

// Create hidden reply to input element
if (!empty ($file)) {
$reply_to_input = new HTMLTag ('input', array (
'type' => 'hidden',
'name' => 'reply-to',
'value' => $file
), false, true);

// Add hidden reply to input element to form element
$reply_form->appendChild ($reply_to_input);

// Create reply form footer element
$reply_form_footer = new HTMLTag ('div', array (
'class' => 'hashover-form-footer'

// Create wrapper for form links
$reply_form_links_wrapper = new HTMLTag ('span', array (
'class' => 'hashover-form-links'

// Add checkbox label element to reply form footer element
if ($this->setup->emailField !== 'off') {
if ($this->login->userIsLoggedIn === false or !empty ($this->login->email)) {
$subscribe_label = $this->subscribeLabel ($permalink, 'reply', $subscribed);
$reply_form_links_wrapper->appendChild ($subscribe_label);

// Create and add allowed HTML revealer hyperlink
if ($this->mode !== 'php') {
$reply_form_links_wrapper->appendChild ($this->formatting ('reply', $permalink));

// Add reply form links wrapper to reply form footer element
$reply_form_footer->appendChild ($reply_form_links_wrapper);

// Create wrapper for form buttons
$reply_form_buttons_wrapper = new HTMLTag ('span', array (
'class' => 'hashover-form-buttons'

// Create "Cancel" link element
if ($this->setup->usesCancelButtons === true) {
// Add "Cancel" link element to reply form footer element
$reply_cancel_button = $this->cancelButton ('reply', $permalink);
$reply_form_buttons_wrapper->appendChild ($reply_cancel_button);

// Create "Post Comment" button element
$reply_post_button = new HTMLTag ('input', array (), false, true);

// Add ID attribute with JavaScript variable single quote break out
if (!empty ($permalink)) {
$reply_post_button->createAttribute ('id', $this->prefix ('reply-post-' . $permalink));

// Post reply locale
$post_reply = $this->locale->text['post-reply'];

// Continue with other attributes
$reply_post_button->createAttributes (array (
'class' => 'hashover-submit hashover-reply-post',
'type' => 'submit',
'name' => 'post',
'value' => $post_reply,
'title' => $post_reply

// Add "Post Comment" element to reply form footer element
$reply_form_buttons_wrapper->appendChild ($reply_post_button);

// Add reply form buttons wrapper to reply form footer element
$reply_form_footer->appendChild ($reply_form_buttons_wrapper);

// Add reply form footer to reply form element
$reply_form->appendChild ($reply_form_footer);

return $reply_form->asHTML ();

// Creates a comment edit form
public function editForm ($permalink = '{permalink}', $url = '{url}', $thread = '{thread}', $title = '{title}', $file = '{file}', $name = '{name}', $email = '{email}', $website = '{website}', $body = '{body}', $status = '', $subscribed = true)
// "Edit Comment" locale string
$edit_comment = $this->locale->text['edit-comment'];

// "Save Edit" locale string
$save_edit = $this->locale->text['save'];

// "Cancel" locale string
$cancel_edit = $this->locale->text['cancel'];

// "Delete" locale string
if ($this->login->userIsAdmin === true) {
$delete_comment = $this->locale->text['permanently-delete'];
} else {
$delete_comment = $this->locale->text['delete'];

// Create wrapper element
$edit_form = new HTMLTag ('div');

// Create edit form title element
$edit_form_title = new HTMLTag ('div', array (
'class' => 'hashover-title hashover-dashed-title',
'innerHTML' => $edit_comment
), false);

// Check if user is admin
if ($this->login->userIsAdmin === true) {
// If so, create status dropdown wrapper element
$edit_status_wrapper = new HTMLTag ('span', array (
'class' => 'hashover-edit-status',
'innerHTML' => $this->locale->text['status']
), false);

// Create select wrapper element
$edit_status_select_wrapper = new HTMLTag ('span', array (
'class' => 'hashover-select-wrapper'
), false);

// Status dropdown menu options
$status_options = array (
'approved' => $this->locale->text['status-approved'],
'pending' => $this->locale->text['status-pending'],
'deleted' => $this->locale->text['status-deleted']

// Create status dropdown menu element
$edit_status_dropdown = new HTMLTag ('select', array (
'id' => $this->prefix ('edit-status-' . $permalink),
'name' => 'status',
'size' => '1'

// Run through status options
foreach ($status_options as $value => $inner_html) {
// Create status dropdown menu option element
$edit_status_option = new HTMLTag ('option', array (
'value' => $value,
'innerHTML' => $inner_html

// Set option as selected if it matches the comment status given
if ($value === $status) {
$edit_status_option->createAttribute ('selected', 'true');

// Add option element to status dropdown menu
$edit_status_dropdown->appendChild ($edit_status_option);

// Add status dropdown menu to select wrapper element
$edit_status_select_wrapper->appendChild ($edit_status_dropdown);

// Add select wrapper to status dropdown wrapper element
$edit_status_wrapper->appendChild ($edit_status_select_wrapper);

// Add status dropdown wrapper to edit form title element
$edit_form_title->appendChild ($edit_status_wrapper);

// Append edit form title to edit form wrapper
$edit_form->appendChild ($edit_form_title);

// Append default login inputs
$edit_login_inputs = $this->loginInputs ($permalink, true, $name, $email, $website);
$edit_form->appendChild ($edit_login_inputs);

// Check if form labels are enabled
if ($this->setup->usesLabels === true) {
// If so, create label element for comment textarea
$edit_comment_label = new HTMLTag ('label', array (
'for' => 'hashover-edit-comment-' . $permalink,
'class' => 'hashover-comment-label',
'innerHTML' => $this->locale->text['edit-your-comment']
), false);

// And add comment label to form element
$edit_form->appendChild ($edit_comment_label);

// Comment form placeholder text
$edit_placeholder = $this->locale->text['comment-form'];

// Create edit textarea element and add it to form element
$this->commentForm ($edit_form, 'edit', $edit_placeholder, $body, $permalink);

// Add page info fields to edit form
$this->pageInfoFields ($edit_form, $url, $thread, $title);

// Create hidden comment file input element
$edit_file_input = new HTMLTag ('input', array (
'type' => 'hidden',
'name' => 'file',
'value' => $file
), false, true);

// Add hidden page title input element to form element
$edit_form->appendChild ($edit_file_input);

// Create wrapper element for edit form buttons
$edit_form_footer = new HTMLTag ('div', array (
'class' => 'hashover-form-footer'

// Create wrapper for form links
$edit_form_links_wrapper = new HTMLTag ('span', array (
'class' => 'hashover-form-links'

// Add checkbox label element to edit form buttons wrapper element
if ($this->setup->emailField !== 'off') {
$subscribe_label = $this->subscribeLabel ($permalink, 'edit', $subscribed);
$edit_form_links_wrapper->appendChild ($subscribe_label);

// Create and add allowed HTML revealer hyperlink
if ($this->mode !== 'php') {
$edit_form_links_wrapper->appendChild ($this->formatting ('edit', $permalink));

// Add edit form links wrapper to edit form footer element
$edit_form_footer->appendChild ($edit_form_links_wrapper);

// Create wrapper for form buttons
$edit_form_buttons_wrapper = new HTMLTag ('span', array (
'class' => 'hashover-form-buttons'

// Create "Cancel" link element
if ($this->setup->usesCancelButtons === true) {
// Add "Cancel" hyperlink element to edit form footer element
$edit_cancel_button = $this->cancelButton ('edit', $permalink);
$edit_form_buttons_wrapper->appendChild ($edit_cancel_button);

// Create "Post Comment" button element
$save_edit_button = new HTMLTag ('input', array (), false, true);

// Add ID attribute with JavaScript variable single quote break out
if (!empty ($permalink)) {
$save_edit_button->createAttribute ('id', $this->prefix ('edit-post-' . $permalink));

// Continue with other attributes
$save_edit_button->createAttributes (array (
'class' => 'hashover-submit hashover-edit-post',
'type' => 'submit',
'name' => 'edit',
'value' => $save_edit,
'title' => $save_edit

// Add "Save Edit" element to edit form footer element
$edit_form_buttons_wrapper->appendChild ($save_edit_button);

// Create "Delete" button element
$delete_button = new HTMLTag ('input', array (), false, true);

// Add ID attribute with JavaScript variable single quote break out
if (!empty ($permalink)) {
$delete_button->createAttribute ('id', $this->prefix ('edit-delete-' . $permalink));

// Continue with other attributes
$delete_button->createAttributes (array (
'class' => 'hashover-submit hashover-edit-delete',
'type' => 'submit',
'name' => 'delete',
'value' => $delete_comment,
'title' => $delete_comment

// Add "Delete" element to edit form footer element
$edit_form_buttons_wrapper->appendChild ($delete_button);

// Add edit form buttons wrapper to edit form footer element
$edit_form_footer->appendChild ($edit_form_buttons_wrapper);

// Add form buttons to edit form element
$edit_form->appendChild ($edit_form_footer);

return $edit_form->innerHTML;

// Creates thread hyperlink element
public function threadLink ($url = '{url}', $title = '{title}')
// Create hyperlink element
$thread_link = new HTMLTag ('a', array (
'rel' => 'nofollow',
'href' => $url,
'innerHTML' => $title
), false);

return $thread_link->asHTML ();