<?php namespace HashOver;

// Copyright (C) 2010-2021 Jacob Barkdull
// This file is part of HashOver.
// HashOver is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// HashOver is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
// along with HashOver. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

class PHPMode
protected $setup;
protected $ui;
protected $comments;
protected $rawComments;
protected $crypto;
protected $locale;
protected $templater;
protected $markdown;

protected $trimTagRegexes = array (
'blockquote' => '/(<blockquote>)([\s\S]*?)(<\/blockquote>)/iS',
'ul' => '/(<ul>)([\s\S]*?)(<\/ul>)/iS',
'ol' => '/(<ol>)([\s\S]*?)(<\/ol>)/iS'

protected $linkRegex = '/((http|https|ftp):\/\/[a-z0-9-@:;%_\+.~#?&\/=]+) {0,1}/iS';
protected $codeTagCount = 0;
protected $codeTags = array ();
protected $preTagCount = 0;
protected $preTags = array ();
protected $paragraphRegex = '/(?:\r\n|\r|\n){2}/S';
protected $lineRegex = '/(?:\r\n|\r|\n)/S';

public function __construct (Setup $setup, CommentsUI $ui, array $comments, array $raw)
// Store parameters as properties
$this->setup = $setup;
$this->ui = $ui;
$this->comments = $comments;
$this->rawComments = $raw;

// Instantiate various classes
$this->crypto = new Crypto ();
$this->locale = new Locale ($setup);
$this->templater = new Templater ($setup);
$this->markdown = new Markdown ();

protected function fileFromPermalink ($permalink)
$file = substr ($permalink, 1);
$file = str_replace ('r', '-', $file);
$file = str_replace ('-pop', '', $file);

return $file;

protected function replyCheck ($permalink)
if (empty ($_GET['hashover-reply'])) {

if ($_GET['hashover-reply'] === $permalink) {
$file = $this->fileFromPermalink ($permalink);

$form = new HTMLTag ('form', array (
'id' => $this->ui->prefix ('reply-' . $permalink),
'class' => 'hashover-reply-form',
'method' => 'post',
'action' => $this->setup->getBackendPath ('form-actions.php')

$subscribed = ($this->setup->subscribesUser === true);

$form->innerHTML ($this->ui->replyForm ($permalink, $this->setup->pageURL, $this->setup->threadName, $this->setup->pageTitle, $file, $subscribed));

return $form->asHTML ();

protected function editCheck ($comment)
if (empty ($_GET['hashover-edit'])) {

$permalink = Misc::getArrayItem ($comment, 'permalink') ?: '';

if ($_GET['hashover-edit'] === $permalink) {
$file = $this->fileFromPermalink ($permalink);

$body = $comment['body'];
$body = preg_replace ($this->linkRegex, '\\1', $body);
$status = Misc::getArrayItem ($comment, 'status') ?: 'approved';
$name = Misc::getArrayItem ($comment, 'name') ?: '';
$website = Misc::getArrayItem ($comment, 'website') ?: '';
$subscribed = isset ($comment['subscribed']);

if (!empty ($this->rawComments[$file])) {
$raw_comment = $this->rawComments[$file];
$email = Misc::getArrayItem ($raw_comment, 'email') ?: '';
$encryption = Misc::getArrayItem ($raw_comment, 'encryption') ?: '';
$email = $this->crypto->decrypt ($email, $encryption);
} else {
$email = '';

$form = new HTMLTag ('form', array (
'id' => $this->ui->prefix ('edit-' . $permalink),
'class' => 'hashover-edit-form',
'method' => 'post',
'action' => $this->setup->getBackendPath ('form-actions.php')
), false);

$edit_form = $this->ui->editForm ($permalink, $this->setup->pageURL, $this->setup->threadName, $this->setup->pageTitle, $file, $name, $email, $website, $body, $status, $subscribed);

$form->innerHTML ($edit_form);

return $form->asHTML ();

protected function codeTagReplace ($grp)
$code_placeholder = $grp[1] . 'CODE_TAG[' . $this->codeTagCount . ']' . $grp[3];
$this->codeTags[$this->codeTagCount] = trim ($grp[2], "\r\n");

return $code_placeholder;

protected function codeTagReturn ($grp)
return $this->codeTags[($grp[1])];

protected function preTagReplace ($grp)
$pre_placeholder = $grp[1] . 'PRE_TAG[' . $this->preTagCount . ']' . $grp[3];
$this->preTags[$this->preTagCount] = trim ($grp[2], "\r\n");

return $pre_placeholder;

protected function preTagReturn ($grp)
return $this->preTags[($grp[1])];

// Returns the permalink of a comment's parent
protected function getParentPermalink ($permalink)
$permalink_parts = explode ('r', $permalink);
array_pop ($permalink_parts);

return implode ('r', $permalink_parts);

// Find a comment by its permalink
protected function findByPermalink ($permalink, $comments)
// Loop through all comments
foreach ($comments as $comment) {
// Return comment if its permalink matches
if ($comment['permalink'] === $permalink) {
return $comment;

// Recursively check replies when present
if (!empty ($comment['replies'])) {
$reply = $this->findByPermalink ($permalink, $comment['replies']);

if ($reply !== '') {
return $reply;

// Otherwise, return nothing
return '';

public function parseComment (array $comment, $parent = '', $popular = false)
$permalink = $comment['permalink'];
$first_instance = 'hashover-' . $permalink;
$name_class = 'hashover-name-plain';
$this->codeTagCount = 0;
$this->codeTags = array ();
$this->preTagCount = 0;
$this->preTags = array ();

// Get instantiated prefix
$prefix = $this->ui->prefix ();

// Initial template
$template = array (
'hashover' => $prefix,
'permalink' => $permalink

// Text for avatar image alt attribute
$permatext = substr ($permalink, 1);
$permatext = explode ('r', $permatext);
$permatext = array_pop ($permatext);

// Wrapper element for each comment
$comment_wrapper = $this->ui->commentWrapper ($permalink);

// Check if this comment is a popular comment
if ($popular === true) {
// Attempt to get parent comment permalink
$parent = $this->getParentPermalink ($permalink);

// Get parent comment by its permalink if it exists
if ($parent !== '') {
$parent = $this->findByPermalink ($parent, $this->comments['primary']);

// And remove "-pop" from text for avatar
$permatext = str_replace ('-pop', '', $permatext);
} else {
// Append class to indicate comment is a reply when appropriate
if ($parent !== '') {
$comment_wrapper->appendAttribute ('class', 'hashover-reply');

// Add avatar image to template
$template['avatar'] = $this->ui->userAvatar ($comment['avatar'], $permalink, $permatext);

if (!isset ($comment['notice'])) {
$name = Misc::getArrayItem ($comment, 'name') ?: $this->setup->defaultName;
$is_twitter = false;

// Check if user's name is a Twitter handle
if ($name[0] === '@') {
$name = mb_substr ($name, 1);
$name_class = 'hashover-name-twitter';
$is_twitter = true;
$name_length = mb_strlen ($name);

// Check if Twitter handle is valid length
if ($name_length > 1 and $name_length <= 30) {
// Set website to Twitter profile if a specific website wasn't given
if (empty ($comment['website'])) {
$comment['website'] = 'https://twitter.com/' . $name;

// Check whether user gave a website
if (!empty ($comment['website'])) {
if ($is_twitter === false) {
$name_class = 'hashover-name-website';

// If so, display name as a hyperlink
$name_link = $this->ui->nameElement ('a', $permalink, $name, $comment['website']);
} else {
// If not, display name as plain text
$name_link = $this->ui->nameElement ('span', $permalink, $name);

// Check if comment has a parent
if ($parent !== '') {
// If so, create the parent thread permalink
$parent_thread = 'hashover-' . $parent['permalink'];

// Get the parent's name
$parent_name = Misc::getArrayItem ($parent, 'name') ?: $this->setup->defaultName;

// Add thread parent hyperlink to template
$template['parent-link'] = $this->ui->parentThreadLink ($this->setup->filePath, $parent_thread, $permalink, $parent_name);

if (isset ($comment['user-owned'])) {
// Append class to indicate comment is from logged in user
$comment_wrapper->appendAttribute ('class', 'hashover-user-owned');

// Define "Reply" link with original poster title
$reply_title = $this->locale->text['commenter-tip'];
$reply_class = 'hashover-no-email';
} else {
// Check if commenter is subscribed
if (isset ($comment['subscribed'])) {
// If so, set subscribed title
$reply_title = $name . ' ' . $this->locale->text['subscribed-tip'];
$reply_class = 'hashover-has-email';
} else{
// If not, set unsubscribed title
$reply_title = $name . ' ' . $this->locale->text['unsubscribed-tip'];
$reply_class = 'hashover-no-email';

// Check if the comment is editable for the user
if (isset ($comment['editable'])) {
// If so, add "Edit" hyperlink to template
if (!empty ($_GET['hashover-edit']) and $_GET['hashover-edit'] === $permalink) {
$template['edit-link'] = $this->ui->cancelLink ($first_instance, 'edit');
} else {
$template['edit-link'] = $this->ui->formLink ($this->setup->filePath, 'edit', $permalink);

// Check if the comment has been liked
if (isset ($comment['likes'])) {
// Add likes to HTML template
$template['likes'] = $comment['likes'];

// Check if there is more than one like
if ($comment['likes'] !== 1) {
// If so, use "X Likes" locale
$like_count = $comment['likes'] . ' ' . $this->locale->text['likes'];
} else {
// If not, use "X Like" locale
$like_count = $comment['likes'] . ' ' . $this->locale->text['like'];

// Add like count to HTML template
$template['like-count'] = $this->ui->likeCount ('likes', $permalink, $like_count);

// Check if dislikes are enabled and the comment's been disliked
if ($this->setup->allowsDislikes === true
and isset ($comment['dislikes']))
// Add likes to HTML template
$template['dislikes'] = $comment['dislikes'];

// Check if there is more than one dislike
if ($comment['dislikes'] !== 1) {
// If so, use "X Dislikes" locale
$dislike_count = $comment['dislikes'] . ' ' . $this->locale->text['dislikes'];
} else {
// If not, use "X Dislike" locale
$dislike_count = $comment['dislikes'] . ' ' . $this->locale->text['dislike'];

// Add dislike count to HTML template
$template['dislike-count'] = $this->ui->likeCount ('dislikes', $permalink, $dislike_count);

// Add name HTML to template
$template['name'] = $this->ui->nameWrapper ($name_class, $name_link);

// Add IP address HTML to template
if (!empty ($comment['ipaddr'])) {
$template['ipaddr'] = $this->ui->ipWrapper ($comment['ipaddr']);

// Append status text to date
if (!empty ($comment['status-text'])) {
$comment['date'] .= ' (' . $comment['status-text'] . ')';

// Add date permalink hyperlink to template
$template['date'] = $this->ui->dateLink ($this->setup->filePath, $first_instance, $comment['date-time'], $comment['date']);

// Add "Reply" hyperlink to template
if (!empty ($_GET['hashover-reply']) and $_GET['hashover-reply'] === $permalink) {
$template['reply-link'] = $this->ui->cancelLink ($first_instance, 'reply', $reply_class);
} else {
$template['reply-link'] = $this->ui->formLink ($this->setup->filePath, 'reply', $permalink, $reply_class, $reply_title);

// Add edit form HTML to template
if (isset ($comment['editable'])) {
$template['edit-form'] = $this->editCheck ($comment);

// Add reply form HTML to template
$template['reply-form'] = $this->replyCheck ($permalink);

// Add reply count to template
if (!empty ($comment['replies'])) {
$template['reply-count'] = count ($comment['replies']);

if ($template['reply-count'] > 0) {
if ($template['reply-count'] !== 1) {
$template['reply-count'] .= ' ' . $this->locale->text['replies'];
} else {
$template['reply-count'] .= ' ' . $this->locale->text['reply'];

// Add comment data to template
$template['comment'] = $comment['body'];

// Remove [img] tags
$template['comment'] = preg_replace ('/\[(img|\/img)\]/iS', '', $template['comment']);

// Add HTML anchor tag to URLs (hyperlinks)
$template['comment'] = preg_replace ($this->linkRegex, '<a href="\\1" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">\\1</a>', $template['comment']);

// Parse markdown in comment
if ($this->setup->usesMarkdown !== false) {
$template['comment'] = $this->markdown->parseMarkdown ($template['comment']);

// Replace code tags with placeholder text
if (mb_strpos ($template['comment'], '<code>') !== false) {
$template['comment'] = preg_replace_callback ('/(<code>)([\s\S]*?)(<\/code>)/iS', 'self::codeTagReplace', $template['comment']);

// Replace pre tags with placeholder text
if (mb_strpos ($template['comment'], '<pre>') !== false) {
$template['comment'] = preg_replace_callback ('/(<pre>)([\s\S]*?)(<\/pre>)/iS', 'self::preTagReplace', $template['comment']);

// Check for various multi-line tags
foreach ($this->trimTagRegexes as $tag => $trimTagRegex) {
if (mb_strpos ($template['comment'], '<' . $tag . '>') !== false) {
// Trim leading and trailing whitespace
$template['comment'] = preg_replace_callback ($trimTagRegex, function ($grp) {
return $grp[1] . trim ($grp[2], "\r\n") . $grp[3];
}, $template['comment']);

// Break comment into paragraphs
$paragraphs = preg_split ($this->paragraphRegex, $template['comment']);
$pd_comment = '';

// Wrap each paragraph in <p> tags and place <br> tags after each line
for ($i = 0, $il = count ($paragraphs); $i < $il; $i++) {
$pd_comment .= '<p>' . preg_replace ($this->lineRegex, '<br>', $paragraphs[$i]) . '</p>' . PHP_EOL;

// Replace code tag placeholders with original code tag HTML
if ($this->codeTagCount > 0) {
$pd_comment = preg_replace_callback ('/CODE_TAG\[([0-9]+)\]/S', 'self::codeTagReturn', $pd_comment);

// Replace pre tag placeholders with original pre tag HTML
if ($this->preTagCount > 0) {
$pd_comment = preg_replace_callback ('/PRE_TAG\[([0-9]+)\]/S', 'self::preTagReturn', $pd_comment);

// Add paragraph'd comment data to template
$template['comment'] = $pd_comment;
} else {
// Append notice class
$comment_wrapper->appendAttribute ('class', 'hashover-notice');
$comment_wrapper->appendAttribute ('class', $comment['notice-class']);

// Add notice to template
$template['comment'] = $comment['notice'];

// Set name to 'Comment Deleted!'
$template['name'] = $this->ui->nameWrapper ($name_class, $comment['title']);

// Parse theme layout HTML template
$theme_html = $this->templater->parseTheme ('comments.html', $template);

// Comment HTML template
$comment_wrapper->innerHTML ($theme_html);

// Check if comment has replies
if (!empty ($comment['replies'])) {
// If so, append class to indicate comment has replies
$comment_wrapper->appendAttribute ('class', 'hashover-has-replies');

// Recursively parse replies
foreach ($comment['replies'] as $reply) {
$comment_wrapper->appendInnerHTML ($this->parseComment ($reply, $comment));

return $comment_wrapper->asHTML ();